Monday, September 25, 2017

The energy behind letting go

"Agghhhh!  My space is so crowded! It's frustrating and makes me angry..."
How do you live in a space so full of stuff?  
You don't.
Letting go is the way to freedom.

Always wanted to do yoga but can't find the floor or your Yoga mat?  Maybe it's possible you own too much stuff. If you don't want to clean it up, you might find you don't need it in the first place.

The energy behind letting go... 

1. Breathe - You can't clean out your home/ space if you aren't standing on your own feet.  Root them to the ground so that each step counts. Take deep breaths and make space for your energy and let go of the items that suck energy away from you. For example the huge stack of magazines you just aren't going to read.  Donate them, recycle them and move the latest one to the bathroom to read!  Yep haha! If you haven't read or crafted something out of them by now, it't time.

2. Judgment - Let go of what holds you back.  You are responsible for your own self.  No one else will judge you if you get rid of the stuff that is holding you back. YOU ARE YOUR OWN WORST JUDGE.  If what have you have brings you joy, keep it.  If it makes you feel overwhelmed or frustrated let it go.  Just because it was in the family, doesn't mean it is for you. If someone else in the family can benefit from it, give it to them.

3. Let go of EGO - Ego is what makes people choose greed.  One-upping another is the demise of our planet.  Keep bringing new items into your space. Avoid new trends and the "shopping to make me happy" attitude. Share and teach.  The latest and greatest isn't greater than love.  Put the latest and greatest love into your pocket and choose to help another in need.   There is no reason for one to live higher than another. Start teaching with children.  They do not need what you didn't have as a child.  They need love and attention.  Not stuff.

4. Generate LOVE energy - Give someone else a smile if they don't have one.  GIVE.  The only way to start is by letting go.  Put a GIVE box by your front door and fill it up! Take it away and feel how the energy shifts. 

There are a lot of ideas here on how to start letting go.  Use your own mind to create more!  I'd love to hear what works for you and the way you made someone smile today!

Happy Freeing!


Sunday, September 24, 2017

Minimalism- Isn't it time for all?

"Isn't grandma going turn over in her grave if you part with her china?"
"Maybe I should just save this for a rainy day?"
"Maybe I can just fix this and it will be okay?"

Are you asking yourself these questions? 
Let me ask you this...Why do we live under such clutter and pressure over someone else's collections or over broken things?  
No one needs to decide this for us more than ourselves.

Our joy is not defined by stuff. It is with experience. Besides who likes dusting it all and organizing all the time?

Wouldn't it be great to just start clean and fresh?  Have a simpler life?  It really is easier than you think!

Today is the day that you can simply start.

Here are some of the steps that we took to clear the clutter from our life and open up opportunity for joy and creativity.

1.  You are the one deciding! - Remember Grandma Joyce no longer owns that silly set of salt and pepper shakers that are cluttering up the cabinet.  She isn't the decision maker for your space.  You are.  If you don't want them donate them!  

2.  If it doesn't bring you joy DO NOT hang on to it! - When it comes to collectibles this is the way to go.  If you just really don't care for the set of porcelain dolls your great Aunt Gertrude willed to you then sell them!  Let them collect dust in someone else's home. Use the money to help someone in need.

3.  Take a picture - If the items are sentimental and it is just taking up space, remember it through a photo. Photos can do a lot of good. Make a scrapbook so your kids can see what you used to have if it is that sentimental. Donate the item and print a picture.  It takes up way less space.

4. Multiple Items - How many curling irons do you need? Have a huge drawer of makeup?  Start with the things that are expired and throw them out! Next pick the shades that you love and stick with the natural.  When you go to purchase makeup again look for something that is natural, organic and eco-friendly, or better yet... Don't wear anything!  Ladies, I speak from my heart and experience, your ultimate beauty shines through when you de-clutter. 

5. Broken Items - If it is broken and you aren't able to fix it right away don't keep it.  I broke my door handle to my car the other day.  I ordered a new part on online right away and will fix it again as soon as it arrives.  As soon as I take the broken piece off I will throw it away. Don't keep the spare parts. 

6. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Stop buying trendy items, the less you buy the less they produce (It takes a mind shift but it is possible).  Avoid packaging, bring your own bags and containers to fill up at the bulk bins. Reuse things- plastic bottles your agave syrup came in.  They are great for sauces, dressings, etc.  Hand down clothing to others.  Swap clothes with a friend. Its fun and its free. When you can't Reduce or Reuse, Recycle.  Check where local facilities exist.  Push recycling in all areas. We owe the world this. (Can't wait to do a blog on this alone)

7. GiveDonate- Have some items you have been saving for someone else?  Make up some bags/boxes  (I use paper sacks or re-useables and put their names on them.  I toss the items they can use in the bag and plan to deliver/ship at the end of the week.  I also keep a bag close to the front door for donation items and take it in to the local center once a week.  Its awesome to keep the clutter at bay.

I have some many more ideas that can help your minimalism journey improve daily. Some of the ideas are borrowed and some I have come up with from trial and error. There are several more items that I would love to share with you in regards to minimizing clutter but this will get you on the right path for a successful START.  

Remember this:  If you didn't get rid of very much this time, you can always go back and go through it again.  I still do this and find items I missed.  If it doesn't bring you joy... it isn't worth keeping.

Happy Freeing!


Friday, April 15, 2016

38 and on the up

A family choice: This can't be terminal for them.

The world is an ever changing place. We find ourselves in the daily fight for our own lives let alone the lives of the creatures of this world.  We are the creation that has chosen to invade this wonderful world.  My husband and I and our family along with many others choose to stand alone( It sure can feel that way in this world) and change this thought, this destruction one step at a time.

I had a conversation with my children last night and they have seen and currently see what is going on in our world.  Now it is our turn (I'll start with my husband and I) to take that stand and convince others that this isn't the life we were meant for.  Total destruction of the earth?  I think not.

It was in our best efforts to start the world changing subject with our kids.
Don't FREAK out.  It isn't as hard as you think, but it does require a little thought.

Here is a START since that can be the most difficult part

1.  Don't try to change it all in one day.

You can't try to climb a set a of stairs in one step, why would you put that kind of pressure on yourself to change your world thinking in one moment?  I will tell you this.  The more you do it the easier it gets.  Pretty soon you have left your self and become the universe and put all thought into what you do.

2.  Make the actual change.

Why are you just sitting there? Why would you watch someone dump chemicals on the yard to kill the weeds and not give that a second thought?  Are you confused?  Those chemicals kill the plants but they also kill whatever is in the yard, and when you water the yard it gets into the water.  The waters runs into the local were and then gets processed as what?  Tap water.  Why are are growing yards in the first place?  CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK ABOUT THINGS.  Get off your phone, your Facebook, and look at what is happening.  Talk to your neighbors and your friends and make a choice.  I choose to let those bees pollenate those dandelions so that we may have food in other places. So that we can have clean water. Choose to get off your rump and get up and pick up the trash in the neighborhood and choose to recycle what you can instead of filling a barrel.

3.  Make a choice for those that are younger.

I want my kids to see the beauty that we have seen as children ourselves. There isn't a lot left anymore. The right choices depend on you but I will tell you this.  It has nothing to do with greed. Nothing to do with having nice things or the latest fashion trends.  It has to do with surviving this world with the least impact. It has nothing to do with MONEY.
Many of the choices that my husband and I have made in the past have been devastating.  YOU CAN START NOW. I'm not telling you to get rid of everything that you own now. I am asking that you seriously consider what IS needed from this day forward.

I know that each and every person wants to live a more satisfying life and have more time for the things that we really want.  

Start today by planting a seed for the future, for our children!
